unearth lanterns 2020 

lets light up unearth this year with your creativity

The City of Whyalla is again bringing you the uneARTh Festival, this year consisting of ten days of amazing arts festival action across mulitple sites, combining culture, colour, fun and festivities for the whole community.

Whyalla City Council is appealing to local schools, community groups, creative individuals, and arts organisations throughout Whyalla to participate in uneARTh Festival by producing an recycled lantern with the theme 'Connection'.

We want to see how wild your imagination can be; Lanterns can be in any recycled or resued materials, please include a clear position for hanging. Lanterns must be completed by Friday, March 6 and will need to be delivered on March 9 and 10 between 3pm – 5pm to the unearth HQ (Old Civic Library) for judging which will be undertaken throughout the week leading up to the event. Groups are encouraged to enter as many lanterns as they can create as individuals or groups.

Entry form is below, please download and print a copy or come into the council building and ask for a copy.



Lets light up unearth just like the picture below!

Search & Book Accommodation


talk to us about your next Holiday

Whyalla Visitor Centre, Lincoln Highway
Open: 7 days Mon–Fri 9am–4pm. 
Weekends and public holidays 10am–4pm. 
Closed: Good Friday and Christmas Day 
Phone: (08) 8645 7900 Email: visitor.centre@whyalla.sa.gov.au

TOLL FREE: 1800 088 589

Contact us by filling out the form below and pressing "submit".